Candidate Relationship Management Software vs Applicant Tracking Software

July 25, 2022

Candidate Relationship Management Software vs Applicant Tracking Software

As an HR professional, you already know that finding the right talent for your organization can be a complex and time-consuming task. This is where HRM software comes in, especially the likes of Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) and Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software. In this post, we will compare the two and help you decide which one is the best for your recruiting needs.

Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)

ATS software helps recruiters manage the recruitment process by automating tasks like job postings, resume screening, and interview scheduling. ATS software also helps to track and measure the efficiency of your recruitment process, ensuring that you are making data-driven decisions. It improves recruiter productivity, reduces hiring time, and helps maintain hiring compliance by storing all records of the hiring process.


  • Automated job postings to multiple job boards
  • Resume/CV screening to identify the best candidates
  • Communication tools for scheduling interviews and communicating with candidates
  • Tracking of candidate progress throughout the hiring process
  • Reporting tools to measure efficiency, including time-to-hire and cost-per-hire


  • Increases recruiter productivity
  • Reduces hiring time
  • Helps maintain hiring compliance by storing records
  • Enables data-driven decision-making
  • Eliminates the need for manual updates and communication
  • Provides an enhanced candidate experience

Candidate Relationship Management Software (CRM)

CRM software is designed to manage and improve the candidate experience while improving the recruitment process. Its primary focus is on nurturing relationships with potential candidates rather than just tracking applicants. CRM software helps recruiters build long-lasting relationships by providing personalized communications and enhancing the overall candidate experience.


  • Targeted messaging to engage and nurture potential candidates
  • Automated outreach campaigns to keep candidates informed about new openings
  • Candidate relationship tracking to improve future interactions
  • Candidate database management to store all candidate data for quick and easy recall
  • Analysis and monitoring tools that provide metrics and insights into the recruiting process


  • Improves the candidate experience
  • Helps build long-lasting relationships with potential candidates
  • Increases the quality of candidates
  • Enhances the recruiter's brand and reputation
  • Enables better decision-making with insightful data analysis


While both ATS and CRM software help HR professionals manage the recruitment process, the two serve different functions. ATS software is ideal for managing applications and streamlining the recruitment process, while CRM software focuses on building relationships with potential candidates and enhancing their experience.

Deciding which one to use depends on the specific needs of your organization. If you have a high volume of applicants and need to streamline the recruitment process, an ATS is the right choice. On the other hand, if you want to enhance the candidate experience and build long-lasting relationships with potential candidates, a CRM may be the better option.


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